if you or someone you know needs help

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

CALL +1 800 273 8255 


National Crisis Text Line

TEXT ‘HOME’ TO 741741 


in New York City

NYCWELL helping New Yorkers in crisis

CALL +1 888 692 9355

TEXT ‘WELL’ 65173 

CHAT at https://nycwell.cityofnewyork.us/en/get-help-now/chat-with-a-counselor-now/

over 200 languages available 24/7/365 

  • Mental health resources available nationwide

Mental Health America

To learn about mental health, find help, or complete an online mental health screening. 

VISIT http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net 

American Psychiatric Association Answer Center

Available between 8.30am and 6pm Eastern time, find local psychiatrists. 

CALL 1 888 357 7924


The Trevor Project

Helpline, information and support for LGBTQ youth. 

CALL 1 866 488 7386 

VISIT https://www.thetrevorproject.org/#sm.00000su7m8rytkd9ux55f9lbqgc4e 

National Alliance on Mental Illness 

Extensive information on all mental illness. 

CALL 1 800 950 6264

VISIT https://www.nami.org

Within the dance community

Actors Fund mental health resources

Providing assistance to all in the entertainment field. 

VISIT https://actorsfund.org/services-and-programs/mental-health 

Minding the gap 

Kathleen McGuire’s initiative to bridge the gap between dancers and resources.

VISIT http://www.wearemindingthegap.org